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Open Travel Tryouts for 2025

Travel tryouts will take place at Lincoln Park on September 8, 15, and 22.

Birth Years and Times

2014, 2015, 2016 Girls at 9:30am

2014, 2015, 2016 Boys at 11:30am

2012, 2013 Boys and Girls at 1:30pm

2010, 2011 Girls at 3:30pm

2010, 2011 Boys at 6:00pm

2008, 2009 Boys at 6:00pm

Players should attend all three dates as we will be evaluating different skills on different days.  Any questions please contact


At Cambridge Minor Softball, we strive to provide a fun, safe, and inclusive environment for youth to participate in organized sports while playing softball. We promote healthy, active lifestyles and encourage our youth to be involved in the Cambridge community through volunteer opportunities.

Know the difference between softball and baseball. Softball and baseball are variations of the same game. The primary difference is that a softball is pitched underhand, while a baseball is pitched overhand. As the name implies, there is also a difference in the balls used.

  • Softballs are larger and a bit heavier than baseballs. Softballs are less dense and slightly softer than baseballs. Softballs are typically white but may be colored neon green or yellow in the interests of visibility (especially at night).
  • Softball fields are typically smaller than baseball fields (because batted softballs don't travel as far as baseballs). Softball games last for seven innings instead of the nine innings typical of higher-level baseball games.
  • The bats used in softball are a little shorter and have a wider barrel than the bats used in baseball.

Choose a bat. Softball bats are not all the same. They must be chosen with a player’s size and strength in mind. When you look for a bat, look at three primary factors: the length, the weight, and the style.

  • To find a bat that is the right length, stand up straight and hold a bat by its knob at the end. If you can hold your arm straight down, and the bat touches the ground, it is the right length for you. If you have to bend your elbow, it is too long. If the bat doesn't touch the ground, it's too short.
  • To find a bat that is the right weight, look at the drop. The drop is the numerical difference between the bat's height (in inches) and its weight (in ounces). The drop will range anywhere from -8 to -12. Lighter bats (near -12), are good for weak or slow batters. Heavier bats (near -8), are best for strong batters. You can also test the suitability of the bat's weight by placing it in your throwing hand and holding it straight out in front of you. If you can easily hold it at arm's length for a full minute or more, it is not too heavy for you.
  • There are two main types of softball bats available, aluminum and composite. Each type is appropriate for both beginners and experienced players, but aluminum bats are more popular. These are also available in single- or double-walled construction. Single-walled are cheaper but slightly less effective than double-walled bats. Composite bats will hit the ball farther, but they can crack easily in cold weather.

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Sponsored by Hespeler Minor Softball

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Cambridge Minor Softball